The company PARIS MOTORS LEGEND is registered in the Paris trade and companies register under RCS number B 812 884 120.
The head office is located at 121, rue Brancion 75015 Paris
Website manager: Valère GUILLET
This site is the property of PARIS MOTORS LEGEND.
All other brands mentioned are the property of their respective owners.
Any total or partial reproduction of the site, brands or elements appearing on the site is prohibited without prior authorization from PARIS MOTORS LEGEND.
This site is hosted by the company WIX.
The information provided by PARIS MOTORS LEGEND on its website cannot be analyzed as a commitment of any nature whatsoever.
The characteristics and availability of the products and services mentioned on this site are valid for mainland France.
PARIS MOTORS LEGEND reserves the right to modify these general conditions of sale at any time without notice.
The information on this site may also be modified or updated without notice.
PARIS MOTORS LEGEND undertakes not to communicate or resell its information to a third party without the customer's consent.
For more information on the Data Protection Act, you can consult the CNIL website.